contact Details
The school is open between 8.45 and 3.15.
Most days there are also after school clubs taking place. Please contact the office to find out what clubs are running this term:
For all enquiries please contact our school secretary Ms D Udell. Paper copies of all information contained on this website are available on request by contacting:
St Michael's Community Primary School, Withyham
Station Road
East Sussex
Tel: 01892 770307
Please use the above e-mail to contact us if you have any queries about day to day life at school.
Enquiries about Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND): Our Head Teacher, Mrs O'Shea the Head Teacher will be happy to discuss any questions you may have about SEND provision at St Michael's.
Mrs O'Shea holds the National Award for SEN Co-ordination and she works alongside Mrs Morris our Special Needs Co-ordinator.