The School Council - Pupil Voice
The School Council discuss things like how we can improve the school grounds, how we can reycle more to support the wider environment and how we can make playtimes more active. They do their best to represent the views of every child at St Michael's
Each year children from Reception to Year 6 represent our school and discuss issues that matter to all of our children. This term the emphasis has been on how we can make playtimes more exciting and more active. We have lots of loose parts and building blocks but children have requested a wider range of acticities . Suggestions have included:
- Hula hoops
- Basket balls and a new post
- New tennis nets, balls and raquets
- New lego for use at lunctimes
The Council also suggested we get a trolley to store equipment so it can be kept together for easy access and stored safely when not in use.
Additionally we are running a board games club, drawing club and a reading club so children have range of options and activities to chose from in addition to being active.