Curriculum Organisation
We are in a very exciting period of updating our curiculum. We have a particular focus on the foundation subjects. These subjects are:
Art and Design, Computing, Design and Technology, French, Geography, History, Music, Personal, Social and Health Education and Physical Education.
Our early years Curriculum in reception
Our curriculum starts in Reception who are in a class on their own. The overview of teaching may be found below. It is based on the document Development Matters.
Continuous Provision in Reception
A key part of learning in Reception is continuous provision. This describes all of the different provision areas which are available for children in reception to use every day. Within each of these areas there is a core range of resources that children can use all of the time, These incude classroom areas such as the book corner and mark making areas and outside areas such as sand water and throughout the whole year. Below are the plans we use to put this in place.
Curriculum Overviews Year 1 - Year 6
Below are the curriculum overviews for our mixed age classes: We follow a two year cycle of coverage to ensure all areas of leaning and knowldge are taught as part of every child's learning journey. We are particularly excited to make meaningful links between class texts and the wider curriculum. Our English Lead has carefully planned how we weave the texts we teach throughout the curriculum to create reflective and resilient learners with enquiring minds.
We have four classes at St Michael's, Our classes are arranged as follows: Reception are a class of their own. We then have three other classes; Years 1 and 2, Years 3 and 4, Years 5 and 6. Classes are mixed age and this is managed through our two year learning cycles to ensure coverage of the National Curriculum. To meet the needs of all learners teaching is adapted to support children that need more time to understand a concept and stretch those that rapidly understand their learning. Below are links to the class web pages that show case current learning:
Acorn Class- Reception
Elm Class- Year 1/2
Silver Birch Class- Year 3/4
Oak Class- Year 5/6
Pupil Voice
We have a School Council who are involved in making decisions about how we run the school. We are particularly looking at how we can develop imaginative play outside. More information about this may be found on our OPAL web page.