Our aims in science are to equip pupils with knowledge and understanding as set out in the science curriculum, enabling them to understand the uses and implications of science, today and in the future. We follow a two year cycle of learning. We use progression grids in knowledge and working scientifically to ensure that prior knowledge, skills and vocabulary are built upon in subsequent year groups. These grids are also used to acknowledge and cater for the future learning the children will experience in their science journey at school. During science lessons, children explore the world around them and are encouraged to raise their own questions linked to the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Within the national curriculum, certain topic areas are repeated across year groups, meaning that children may revisit a particular topic but with increasing difficulty and a different focus each time.
The main focus areas in primary science are:
- Plants and animals (including humans), identifying habitats, evolution and inheritance.
- Electricity and changing circuits, forces, magnets, Earth and Space, light, sight and sound.
- Materials and states of matter.
Children are also taught five essential enquiry skills which are outlined and explained to the children in their lessons. These are:
- Observation over time
- Pattern seeking
- Identifying, classifying and grouping
- Comparative and fair testing research using secondary sources
In our Reception class, Science is included within the Understand the World area of learning. The children are given opportunities to play, explore, create and engage in active scientific learning linked to their own experiences and other curriculum areas. Children are encouraged to think critically and ask questions. In Years 1 and 2, children are supported in the use of scientific enquiry. By year 3-6 children plan different types of scientific enquiries to answer questions, including recognising and controlling variables where necessary. Lessons include the use of practical activities, grouping and comparing, taking measurements and using technology for research.
Links are made with other curriculum subjects where relevant, to further enhance learning. Including making links between STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).