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The class teachers in Reception are Ellie Wood, and Katie O'Shea.  Acorn Class is supported in their learning and play by Nikki Ballard.. As a team we bring a wealth of experience and expertise to support our youngest learners in the school, ensuring that the needs of each individual child are met.  We aim to build strong foundations to ensure children are lifelong learners and achieve their best.

Starting school - All About Me

In Acorn Class we learn through play and high quality books. As the class start school in the autumn term we are focus on the topic Me and My World.  This provides opprtunities for us all to get one another, likes and dislikes, similarites and differences,  The class also learn about the school community and the world around us.

Children's learning and development is supported by familar stories and by introducing them to a wealth of inclusive, diverse and high quality core texts.

The Name Jar- Yangsook Choi

Only one You – Linda Kranz

The three Little Pigs - Axel Scheaffer

The Tiger Who Came to Tea  - Judith Kerr

When I was Born - Isabel Minhos

A Chair for Baby Bear- Kaye Umansky

Once were Giants  - Martin Waddle 

Learning in reception

Curriculum in Reception

The Reception curriculum is called the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) from 0-5 years.  This a child centred play based curriculum that supports children to learn through their own interests and fascintions. In the EYFS children have access to a wide range of learning experiences that use both the indoors and outdoors. The curriculum reflects each unique child  and aims to support each child's development.

Reading and phonics

In Reception we recognise that reading is the gateway to learning.  From day one in school children have the opportunity to hear and share stories throughout the day with staff and each other.  Once children are settled they make they become familar with the school library and begin to take books home to share for pleasure .

Once settled the children are introduced to our phonics scheme. We use the Little Wandle phonics scheme which is taught daily in reception and into key Stage 1.. When children have the right phonic knowledge; usually four weeks onwards into starting school we begin to send home books matched to the phonic knowledge the children have. 

Useful links for parents around Phonics


Phase 2 sounds - Reception Autumn 1 


Phase 2 sounds - Reception Autumn 2


Phase 3 - Reception Spring 1


Phase 5 sounds



We follow the White Rose Maths Scheme which begins in Reception and carries on through the school,. This scheme supports children to develop early maths skills using a range of practical experiences that can then be used and applied across the curriculum. Children use a range of manipulatives to support their learning including Numicon.

Children have the opportunity to develop as mathematicians using both the indoor and outdoor environment.  This might be through playing board games, role play and making ptterns.  

Key Instant Recall facts

In reception we introduce Key instant recall facts (KIRFs). They are designed to support the development of mental maths skills. . The facts below will  be shared termly with families for use at home to support learning in maths. 


Each child in Reception is paired with a child in Year 6, who becomes their 'buddy'. Before children start school their buddies send them a welcome pack which includes a letter and drawings. The buddies also read a favourite story to the reception child and this can be viewed and enjoyed at home by the help of a QR code! 

The role of the buddy plays a key part in helping the children settle into school and roles and responsibilities can vary depending on the need of each child.  This can include su[pprt in the playground or dinner hall, spending time in the classroom together.

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