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Design & Technology and Art

We aim to support the self-confidence of our pupils and their ability to work both independently and collaboratively.  We also use our sketchbooks as a tool for enhancing resilience and encourage children to use them ‘to make mistakes in a safe place’.

The Art curriculum aims to inspire children to be creative and make artistic choices independently.  Across each year group a range of artists are covered and children are provided with opportunities to explore different techniques and interrogate artwork.  We follow four main focus areas (drawing, painting + colour, printing + pattern and sculpture) which the children build on as they progress up the school.

Classroom experiences equip pupils with knowledge of art culture and awareness of great artwork in the world around them.  They are able to use a variety of artistic equipment to broaden their skills and are encouraged to critically assess their own and peer’s artwork.  

We have a very carefully thought out coverage document to ensure children cover a range of artists, techniques and use of different media, including 2D and 3D outcomes.

Design and Technology involves two important elements - learning about the designed and made world and how things work, and learning to design and make functional products for particular purposes and users.

Our curriculum aims to inspire pupils to create quality products by combining their design and making skills with knowledge and understanding of key processes. Classroom experiences encourage them to think about important issues whilst stimulating creativity throughout the whole process. Interwoven into all of this we ask the children to consider how to practise effective health and safety.

We use Kapow resources to ensure knowledge and coverage of planning, design skills and evaluation.  Lessons give the children an opportunity to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of designing and making functional products. Classes undertake projects on cookery, sewing, structure and design.


The geography curriculum aims to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. Classroom experiences equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the earth’s key physical and human processes.

The children will develop a range of geographical and personal skills through their work in this subject, for example organising and running fieldwork projects.  There will be space for children to ask and explore their own geographical questions.

Geography is taught in a two year cycle which is a rolling programme to ensure that all children progress through geographical knowledge and skills by the time that they leave each key stage. We begin by making use of the school grounds, the local area and then widen our geography skills to encompass the wider world. 


In our ever-advancing society, children have the ability to communicate with others from around the world and it is our aim to equip the children with the skills and confidence to be able to do this and to gain a better understanding of different cultures.

Children in KS2 have approximately 30 minutes direct teaching per week.  This is taught by their class teacher using Language Angels, a flexible scheme of work that is skills-based and mapped to the KS2 Framework as well as National Curriculum modern foreign languages levels.

Learning is supplemented by short classroom activities with the class teacher such as taking the register in French/counting using French.  We ensure that pupil engagement is a key priority by planning exciting and interactive activities for the children, accompanied by songs and games.


The History curriculum aims to inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past and gain knowledge and understanding of British History and that of the wider world. Learners will learn about the lives and legacies of people who shaped the world will live in. We make use of the local area in and around Withyham.  We have visitors to the school linked to topics and also visit attractions to make learning come to life.  Off site visits have included Wakehurst Kew, Pevensy Castle, Battle Abbey, Knole Park Sevenoaks and the Science Centre at Herstmonceux.

Learners will develop a clear chronology and narrative of British, local and world history, noting connections, contrasts and trends across the periods they study. Gaining a broad and diverse knowledge of history will help pupils develop a clear perspective of the wider world and empathy with people of all backgrounds.


Our music curriculum aims to inspire pupils to enjoy, appreciate and perform a variety of styles of music, with an understanding of elements such as pitch, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture and structure. We have a music teacher in school on Thursday afternoons.  Ailsa Vinson works with two classes and those not working with Mrs Vinson use Charanga resources.  These are planned into our curriculum overview as well as dovetailing with national events such King Charles the Third's Coronation. 

Learning opprtunities equip pupils with the knowledge and understanding to appraise music that they listen to, and the skills to compose their own music in a particular style or genre. 

Learners develop a range of musical skills in order to equip them to perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the work of great composers and musicians. We also look at recent composers and musicaians such as Bob Marley and Aretha Frankin They will also learn to sing and use their voices to create and compose music on their own and with others.

Personal Social and health Education (PSHE)

This is such and important subject area encompassing such significant coverage information may be found here 

Physical education (PE)

The Physical Education (P.E.) curriculum aims to inspire children to learn confidence, perseverance, team spirit and organisation. We believe that children must engage in a programme of P.E that encourages fitness, improves their strength, suppleness, stamina and teaches those rules of games and an understanding of how to perform to an audience. This allows pupils to gain a sense of achievement and develop positive attitudes towards themselves and others.  We work closely with Beacon Academy and participate in a range of inter school tournaments.

Each class has two sessions of PE timetabled a week.  We aim to plan an enrichment activity  provided by expert coaches every term. These include sports such as cricket, netball and workshops to develop dance skills 

Wall bars

Religious Education

Our aim in the teaching of Religious Education is to engage pupils in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and world views address. We hope learners can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and understand varied responses to these questions, as well as develop therir own understanding and ideas..

The Religious Education curriculum aims to inspire children to have deep discussions. Making links to people they know within the community and discuss events that are in the news. It is exciting to find out about the lives and beliefs of others.

Classroom experiences equip learners to use a range of strategies to help children think and consider the big questions Religious Education raises. Time is given to thinking and reflection. Learners will develop their knowledge and skills to understand the beliefs of others and live in today’s diverse and ever-changing world.

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